Financing possibilities

Innovation and Relations Management is the front office for specific funding lines in the field of action of innovation  and therefore your first point of contact for these.

Innovation fund

The innovation fund is an internal KIT funding line for technology transfer projects in the scientific institutes. The objective is the product-oriented development of market-relevant potential up to commercialization together with an industrial partner. The KIT innovation fund is financed by returns from license income.

Innovation Fund
Validation funding

As a rule, research results are still a big step away from a concrete product. The market relevance of the technology, process or software must be validated. Investments are necessary which are usually not covered by research funding lines. This is where so-called validation funding comes in.

Validation Funds
Start up support

Particularly in the early stages of a business start-up, founders need financial resources to advance their business idea and fill it with life. Funding lines can provide financial impetus for the establishment of a company. Depending on the business idea, different federal and state funding lines are available.

Start up counseling
Foto Dagmar Vössing
Dagmar Vössing
Head of Technology Transfer

+49 721 608-25582dagmar voessing does-not-exist.kit edu