More than 5000 scientists at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) are constantly working on developing promising new technologies for industry and society. At the same time, companies are showing a growing need for new ideas and innovative products. The KIT Business Club has set itself the task of bringing these two worlds together so that they can benefit from each other effectively.

We offer you a wide range of services to make it easier for your company to access the latest developments and exciting technologies at KIT. Dialogue with our member companies is always at the heart of our activities, because the better we know your requirements and interests, the better we can tailor our services to you.

KIT-Business-Club Login KIT
Login for members

Your advantages


One contact person
Use the KIT Business Club as a personal point of contact for all questions concerning KIT.


Detailed insights
Get quick answers through individual research and valuable access to the right experts at KIT.

Offene Türen

Open doors
Get in touch with the KIT Executive Board, KIT researchers and the member companies of the KIT Business Club.


At the pulse of research
Get in touch with the KIT Executive Board, KIT researchers and the member companies of the KIT Business Club.


Take advantage of our range of events to gain an overview of current research topics and get in direct contact with the speakers.

Strengthen the innovative power of your company through a broad-based and long-term partnership with KIT.

Members of the KIT Business Club

The following companies already profit from the advantages of a membership in the KIT Business Club:

Network of KBC-companies

Dr. Alexandra Heislitz

The cooperation with the KIT Business Club has deepened our connections to KIT and continuously brings us new contacts and impulses for future-oriented opportunities for innovation and growth.

Dr. Alexandra Heislitz, Head of Innovation Networks, Freudenberg Group

Max Riedel

The Business Club is the 'one-stop store' for all our questions, requests and suggestions at KIT. This makes it an essential building block of the strategic partnership between KIT and ZEISS.

Dr. Max Riedel, Head of ZEISS Innovation Hub @ KIT, Carl Zeiss AG

Willi Geser

The KIT Business Club offers us regular networking opportunities with researchers, innovative start-ups and established companies, which sustainably strengthens our business development.

Willi Geser, Director External Collaboration & University Relations Corporate Research & Development, 3M

"It's all about people"

James M. Utterback, Professor of Management and Innovation at the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Club Events

Kaminabende KIT
Fireside evenings
KIT Thementag KIT
Theme days

KIT-Business-Club impressions

Fireside evening automation. Image: KIT
Fireside evening automation. Image: KIT
Theme day mobility research. Image:KIT
Theme day hydrogen. Image: KIT
Theme day product development. Image: KIT
Fireside evening automation. Image: KIT
Theme day digitalisation. Image: KIT
Theme day hydrogen. Image: KIT
Fireside evening automation. Image: KIT
Theme day sensor technology. Image: KIT
Theme day hydrogen. Image: KIT
Theme day surface matters. Image: KIT
Theme day digitalisation. Image: KIT
Theme day hydrogen. Image: KIT