Spin-off – take off with IP
Founding companies is an important element of technology transfer. The number and value of start-ups are a measure of the innovative strength of a research and teaching institution. Start-ups from science require special consulting services, which you as an employee at KIT will receive from Innovation and Relations Management (IRM). In addition to the challenges that all start-ups have to overcome, issues relating to property rights, licenses and the management of complex product developments are particularly important for spin-offs. Prospective founders of the KIT can obtain information from the Licence Management team about the usual conditions for licence agreements with spin-offs at the KIT.
In addition to a good founding idea, it is important to protect the associated intellectual property (IP) from imitators at an early stage. The patent team at KIT helps you to protect the technological basis of your proposed product or service in good time. They accompany KIT employees interested in founding a company through the practical and strategic intellectual property rights process.
To IP adviceSpin-offs can be granted rights of use to KIT intellectual property in individual agreements. The founding team should clarify which intellectual property rights or which know-how of KIT the new company requires and wants to license. At KIT, the rights are generally used by means of a license.
To license adviceKIT participates as a strategic partner (of the foundation and investors) in high-tech spin-offs that are created on the basis of KIT intellectual property. KIT strengthens the transfer of knowledge and technology through start-ups and investments and supplements the classic exploitation channels of contract research, research cooperation and licensing of intellectual property.
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