Forms of cooperation

Contract research, contract for work and services

  • Purpose defined by the client and defined path of implementation
  • Goal-oriented, open-ended
  • Success not guaranteed
  • Full costs
  • Standard market remuneration for the granting (license, transfer) of KIT IP rights
  • No commissioning of academic theses, e.g. doctoral or master's theses

Special feature

  • Work and service contracts (result owed)


  • Research/development order according to the client's specification
  • Characterization of materials/samples provided by the client according to previously defined criteria
  • Simulations using KIT software
  • Special feature: Development of software according to specifications.

Research cooperation

  • Joint conception and implementation,
  • Contributions from both parties
  • Application purpose not known in detail
  • Implementation not defined in detail
  • Open-ended, open-ended
  • Shared results and risks
  • Academic theses e.g. doctoral or master's theses possible
  • In principle, each partner bears its own costs
  • Rights to R&D results of employees remain with the respective partners
  • Licensing or transfer of IP by KIT at standard market conditions


Cooperation in the field of open-ended basic research, possibly with implementation of an academic thesis, e.g. doctoral or master's thesis

Publicly funded research cooperation

  • Special form of research cooperation
  • open-ended
  • Research work in cooperation with one or more partners
  • At least one of the partners receives public funding
  • Performance is defined by project application, grant notification or guidelines
  • Rights to R&D results of employees generally remain with the respective partners, unless otherwise stipulated in the funding guidelines. 
  • Licensing or transfer of IP by KIT at standard market conditions, unless otherwise stipulated in the funding guidelines.


BMBF-/ BMWI-/EU-funded project with KIT as funding recipient

Acquiring the right of use

Industry acquires rights of use to research results via individual license agreements with industry-specific license models to secure its market-oriented further development. More informationen on licenses


NEULAND technology transfer projects – A special form of cooperation

  • Special form of a research and development project with a company
  • Product development with an industrial partner
  • Joint conception, financing and implementation of the project in accordance with the work program
  • Implementation and development defined in detail
  • Application purpose known in detail
  • Rights to R&D results of employees remain with the respective authorized partners Licensing by KIT at standard market conditions
  • Cooperation and license agreement


Product or process development up to product maturity 

More information on technology transfer projects

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