Current events in technology transfer
maKeIT HAPPEN: How to be an Alien ? and what Sociology has to do with it
How to be an Alien ? and what Sociology has to do with it!
We warmly invite you to our next maKeIT Happen event, happening on 28th of January at the "K26" in Campus South! Join us in welcoming Dr. Alexa Maria Kunz from the House of Competence (HoC) at Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). Dr. Alexa Maria Kunz is a sociologist with roots in general and adult education. As the Deputy Managing Director and Head of the Methods Lab at HoC, she brings us unique insights to the world of innovation and changing perspectives, that she is going to share with you in her talk.
With her background in qualitative social research methods and her motto "Knowledge multiplies when shared," Dr. Alexa Maria Kunz promises an interactive and engaging session, in which she will explore:
- How sociological approaches can offer fresh insights into innovation processes
- The intersection of interdisciplinary education, university organization, and student life
- Techniques for "thinking like an alien" to foster innovation in research and practice
This event is perfect for anyone interested in new perspectives, interdisciplinary approaches to innovation, and understanding student life and its impact on innovation.
We look forward to an engaging discussion and learning from Dr. Alexa Maria Kunz's unique experiences. Bring your friends and colleagues along for what promises to be an insightful evening!
Dr. Alexa M. Kunz
Dr. Niels Feldmann
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Mail: hello ∂ makeit kit edu
Interested / Everyone
Event formats in technology transfer
Meet researchers in their laboratories, talk to companies, learn more about technology transfer - we warmly welcome you to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The Technology Transfer team and our partners offer companies, KIT employees and all interested parties exciting insights into the technology of tomorrow and opportunities for transfer.
Open events
NEULAND Innovation Day
The NEULAND Innovation Day is KIT's event dedicated to the topics of innovation, transfer, entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship. Students, academic staff, professors and start-up projects meet industry and investors here to get to know each other, launch joint projects and discover potential for a sustainable future. More
As part of the RESEARCH TO BUSINESS live event series, industrial companies are given an insight into individual institutes or research topics. In half-day workshops, scientific employees present the current status of their research and open their laboratories. The events bring science and business into direct contact with each other and provide an initial basis for future cooperation.
Knowledge Weeks of TRIANGEL Transfer I Culture I Space
At the WISSENSWOCHEN organized by our partner TRIANGEL Transfer I Culture I Space, changing key topics are explored from a wide variety of perspectives over the course of a week. With creative formats and
target group-specific approaches, current discourses can be experienced and understood by everyone. From light fare at lunchtime to activating hands-on formats and workshops to in-depth discussions in the evening - the WISSENSWOCHE concept offers a wide range of opportunities to discover and explore a topic. More
Events for employees
Bridge the Gap
Why is it worth getting in touch with business and society, what are the challenges and how can I get started? These and other questions are answered by various teams from the Innovation and Relations Management service unit at KIT's internal Bridge the Gap format. Here, scientific employees learn more about the possibilities, opportunities and framework conditions of knowledge and technology transfer.
IP-Talk at the Institute
Would you like more basic knowledge on how to deal with intellectual property, for example inventions, patents or software at KIT, and how to license it out? Then get in touch with us! The experts in Intellectual Property Management will be happy to answer your questions in in-house seminars for academic staff at your institute. Inquiries
Marketplace for new KIT employees
The Innovation and Relations Management service unit presents its services and offers for employees at KIT's Welcome Day for new employees. More
Networking events
Theme days for members of the KIT Business Club
At the theme days of the KIT Business Club, representatives of member companies exchange ideas intensively with KIT scientists on various topics, such as data science, sustainable industrial products, medical technology of the future and many more. Exciting impulses and lively discussions characterize this networking event, which takes place alternately digitally and at KIT.
Fireside evenings for members of the KIT Business Club
The KIT Business Club has set itself the task of bringing science and business together so that they can benefit from each other effectively. The value of the personal network is particularly noticeable at the fireside evenings: representatives of member companies, scientists and science managers from KIT come together with members of the Executive Board to talk at eye level about transfer-related topics.
Transfer for Dessert for KIT Industry Experts
Transfer for Dessert is a digital, one-hour lunch talk. Members of the KIT Industry Experts can participate. In an open and lively round, the exchange with innovation managers and/or scientists is dedicated to exciting topics of our time. For scientific employees, Transfer for Dessert offers an opportunity to present their technology to companies in a confidential and protected space and to obtain feedback.
Network meeting of the KIT Industry Experts
Experience community, online and on site. This is the motto of the network meetings for members of KIT Industry Experts. At least once a year, the network comes together in a relaxed atmosphere. There is time to get to know each other and exchange ideas as well as information and discussion on an exciting specialist topic.